How to Create Perfect Chevrons with Single Crochet

One common shape to make with crochet is the chevron. There’s something fun about the zigzag pattern it creates! However, it can be challenging to figure out how to make all the chevrons the same and keep them straight and even.

Like most things with crochet, it’s all about the math.

Chevrons are made by increasing stitches to form peaks, and decreasing stitches to form valleys. As long as you increase and decrease by the same number of stitches, and always keep the same number of stitches between the peaks and valleys, your chevrons will stay nice and straight.

To do this, crochet three stitches in the center to the peak — this increases the stitch count by +2 (1 on either side of the peak). To offset the increase, skip 2 stitches in the middle of the valley (one for each peak next to the valley).

In this video, I’ll show you how to do the increases and decreases and explain why it works. I’ll also show you how to calculate the starting chain for the project you want to make with the Chevron Stitch. I’ll remove the guess work so you can get it right every time!

Watch this video to learn how to create perfect chevrons with the single crochet stitch:

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